What is the Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. Program?

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Our Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. program is designed to help you develop practical self-defense skills right away. You are exposed to the system’s entire repertoire over a four-month cycle, called a rotation. Rotations consist of a series of agility, strength, and combative exercises to increase physical fitness and proficiency.
Each class starts with aerobic exercises and foundational, precision drills to program your mind-body, muscle memory. After warmup, you pair-up and train a series of combative moves for engaging in hand-to-hand and weapons-based, real-life street scenarios. While effective for many situations, Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. is based on a few simple principles:
- Avoid getting hit
- Don’t be fancy
- Defend yourself in the quickest, safest and most effective way
- Use the opponent’s vulnerable and weak points
- Use available objects as weapons
- If forced to fight, no rules, no limits
- Maximum Efficiency in Minimal Time

History of Haganah/F.I.G.H.T.- Always be ready!
“Haganah” is the Hebrew word for “Defense.” Prior to 1948, Haganah was the name of an underground Defense Force which later became the core of the Israel Defense Force (IDF). Haganah is a combative methodology originating from a combination of Israeli, Self Defense and military tactics, including Krav Maga, Hisardut, KAPAP, and LOTAR.
The Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. system founded by Mike Lee Kanarek, stands for, “Fierce Israeli Guerilla Hand-to-hand Tactics.” Self Defense components of the F.I.G.H.T. system include hand-to-hand, empty-hand versus knife, ground survival, tactical knife fighting, and combat shooting.
Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. Founder Mike Lee Kanarek
Founder of the Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. system, Mike Lee Kanarek (born Le Van Hong in Vietnam, 1967) was adopted by Emil and Stella Kanarek through UNICEF and Red Cross efforts in South Vietnam. Kanarek began practicing martial arts at the age of six. At 18, Kanarek joined the Israel Special Forces (IDF), Golani Brigade deployed in Lebanon and the West Bank, and post service immigrated to the United States to pursue his passion for the art of defense.
Kanarek is 1st degree Black Belt in Krav Maga, 4th degree Black Belt in Survival Hisardut, 6th degree Black Belt in Joe Lewis’ Fighting System, and Brown Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Kanarek trained with and under masters ranging from Joe Lewis (father of American full-contact kickboxing), Moti Horenstein (Super Heavy Weight US, Champion Shidokan), Ron Mizrachi (highest ranking IDF Krav Maga Master Instructor in the US), Vut Kamnark (North Eastern Muay Thai Champion), and Marcos Santos.

Why Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. Over Other Martial Arts
Other martial arts require years of training to develop the level of proficiency required to allow you to emerge successfully from real-life altercations. Haganah is different; it derives from military combat instruction where you need to develop basic proficiency in a few months or risk getting killed. There is no better training for anyone wanting to achieve practical, real-life self-defense capabilities in a short period of time. Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. is designed to be easy to learn; using a core of simple but effective techniques that are repeated over and over until they are committed to muscle memory. Results are seen almost immediately. Proficiency increases with repeated rotations, and after four months, you will have a solid foundation for dealing with each type of altercation.
Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. is continuously evolving and unlike most martial arts only incorporates tactics proven effective in the field. Kanarek continuously adds and discards elements based on information from military operations and the experienced practitioners. As a result, you will gain access to novel techniques and strategies refined and tested in situations ranging from counterterrorism activities; to deadly street fighting, effectively disabling a would-be mugger.
You will be prepared to deal with each type of threat, at all levels and instinctively know how to calibrate a response.
Is Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. for YOU?
Absolutely! Whether you are a trained professional looking to improve your combat readiness or a civilian, new to self-defense training, you gain tremendous benefits from training in Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. This comprehensive self-defense system is designed so that anyone–regardless of size, strength, or previous martial arts experience–can successfully defeat an adversary. It is even useful in multiple attacker scenarios or when you are at an extreme physical disadvantage. Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. is the ideal combat art for military and law enforcement personnel, as well as, individuals employed in the private security industry. Anyone training in Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. will learn battle-tested techniques that have saved the lives of troops and agents operating in the most extreme conditions.

Women’s Self Defense and Haganah/F.I.G.H.T.
Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. is proven effective for women in combat situations. In Israel, women are required to serve in the military. The simple, effective, rapid-fire techniques of Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. are designed to demolish even the strongest attacker by targeting his most vulnerable areas. A woman trained in Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. has the advantage, even against a much larger, more powerful man. She has the advantage of knowing what to do, where to strike, how to strike, and when to strike; she knows this automatically.
As a female student of Haganah/F.I.G.H.T., you carry yourself with increased confidence. You approach scenarios knowing you are prepared to defend yourself and WIN.
Self-Defense Against Weapons
Haganah takes a unique approach to weapons training. While you aren’t required to learn tactical knife fighting or combat shooting (though both are part of the available curriculum), you learn about guns and knives in order to better defend against them. The Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. system ensures you learn how guns work, how to operate a safety, and how a competent knife-wielding opponent is likely to react. This leads to much better preparation and understanding of how to deal with real-life scenarios involving weapons.
Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. Training beyond Self-Defense
Tysons Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Haganah is an Authorized Training Center for Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. in Virginia. Our training center does more than equip you with invaluable self-defense skills. The intense training regimen guarantees improved fitness and muscle tone with an emphasis on speed, strength, flexibility and coordination. You gain increased confidence, focus and discipline, as well as greater poise and resourcefulness. These traits benefit every aspect of your life, enabling you to deal more capably with any situation you encounter, be it at work, school, or home.
Tysons Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Haganah routinely receives the highest marks from combat professionals. Our program is equally well suited for individuals with no prior experience. In fact, because Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. does not rely on strength and is easy to learn, it’s ideal for each level of physical fitness. We promise training in Haganah/F.I.G.H.T. shapes you quickly—mind and body!
Sources: Haganah Apex promotional materials and published articles.
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